Wednesday 6 March 2019

Expect the Unexpected

Thick cloud and rain showers, 12°, moderate breeze from the south.

An interesting day despite the weather and a few unexpected birds.

A Chiffchaff in the garden this morning and it or another singing in the Millennium Wood.

2 Stonechat (♂&♀) on the hill today (not the same pair that wintered) and a couple of Meadow Pipit present.

A small flock of 14 waders flew north over the hill during a rain shower, most were Dunlin but at least 2 were different, the others were Ringed Plover and both species called a couple of times as they passed overhead.

A ♂ Brambling flew over with 6 Redwing out at Lollingdon and a scattering of Fieldfare and Redwing in various places.

A Raven heard and several Yellowhammer and a couple of Reed Bunting present.

A Blackcap heard singing in Little Lane recently. Per TR.

A ♀ Brambling still present near Waterloo Close. Per MA.

And 3-4 Otter seen yesterday adjacent to Cholsey Marsh. Per Ed M.

A deceased Common Frog found on the track leading to the hill.

Both ♂&♀ Great-spotted Woodpecker in garden today along with 1-2 Nuthatch and a Green Woodpecker nearby.

The following butterflies have been noted in TR's garden recently: Brimstone, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell, Comma and Peacock.


Song Thrush bathing
Stock Dove 'chillin' in the garden
Male Great-spotted Woodpecker


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